Thank you Harvey Weinstein — former GOD.

Francesca lombardo
2 min readOct 17, 2017

THANK YOU ROSE MCGOWN, but whom I d like to thank the the most, isHARVEY WEISTEIN himself. (How odd that we still have to thank the power of a man and the predator himself).
If it wasn’t for you (literally) exposing yourself (sadly over too many years) with your sex predating endeavours to a degree of arrogance and OMNIPOTENCE that only GOD can have (Merely Streep must have called you GOD for a reason)…..

If if wasn’t for YOU being so influential and powerful.

It is time we stop make things happen for women thanks to powerful men.
THIS COMING OUT, would have never had the magnitude that has reached. It would have not opened a can of warms, showing how endemic and serious the problem is and has been, which doesn’t surprise me at all.

Does it surprise you? Who would have thought that Women nowadays, need to COME OUT; out just like gays did and are doing, AND that they have to go through the same level of shaming, blaming and doubting their morality, integrity and not be entitled to legal and policing support.
Every other women would have kept story of sexual harrasment a secret, wrapped up in that dark corner for none one to see and judge.

The #MeToo campaign is showing that every other women if not every women — they ones that don’t say they just can’t emotionally do that — has been harrassed to some degree.
What it is shocking the most is the SECRECY. Every women has been protecting their harrassement with secrecy. When women are brainwashed since they are little girls, and it is ingrained in their (Our) moral fabric that if /We) are sexual assaulted, raped and harrassed, it needs to stay a secret, any attempt to denounce will be met with victim shaming and blaming, which is clearly a way to control women. How much progress has been made since EVA who bit that bloody apple and got blamed for all the sins that followed after that committed by good old ADAM? Who made her in her name getting away with that? How little different we are from the most archaic societies… we watch in horror like the TALIBANS and SAUDI ARABIA?

WE do not cover our face, we can drive, we can climb mountains- real and metaphorical. But what is the difference, when were are unable to scream, denounce, openly and without being shamed when harrassed raped and physically and verbally and attacked and manipulated for sexual motives ?

And, be listened by women and men with the outmost respect?
#meToo #RoseArmy #HarveyWeinstein #reportrape #rape#sexualharrasment #sexpredetor #report #denounce #speakup

