Francesca lombardo
2 min readMar 22, 2020


A short story, the coherent friend and the choice to live…

ONCE UPON A TIME there was a man who was so depressed that he said to his friend, “ I am going to commit suicide” the friend replied to him,” Is that a promise?” Yes, it is a promise”. Then one day, this man started to feel much better and to see things more clearly. The first thing he did was run to his friend to tell him that he would not commit suicide. He loved life too much and during this time had changed. Is a friend said that he had promised to kill himself that he was not a man of his word, he was incoherent and very much not a serious and reliable person, reliable people keep their words. The once suicidal man was in two minds and felt very guilty thinking that his friend .. and he thought that maybe he had a point but then he thought he loved life too much and was grateful that he had chosen life over death. And at that point, he said I would not sacrifice myself, my new found happiness, my new love for life for a promise, and so-called fake integrity. I am happy to be called foolish, not care if I don’t stick to my words, and be called incoherent because I have chosen life over death. And, so he lost his friend who looked down at him, as he realised that after all he wasn’t a good friend at all, and so he lived happily ever after. It is called common sense, and its loss can be deadly and foolish, and it can lead to death. … copyright@FrancescaLombardo-March2019

#coronavirus #bealive #commonsense #sthorstories

#storytelling #suicidal #awareness

