The Chronicles of a Sexual Assault Reporting: 13 years of silencing

Francesca lombardo
2 min readFeb 2, 2021

Crime incident Number 1246559/06. DC Burgess_20/12/2006 Southwark Police Station.

Email received from Channel 4 News.

This is the email I received from Channel 4 News, after submitting my story, not as a journalist — I wasn’t pitching anyone but as a victim. Initially, they were very interested as you can read. After speaking on the phone, I said that I would have given them more details of the story, via email. At that point, I had not mentioned the FT as yet. After I replied to that email, giving more details and names, they vanished. As you can see in the email, after stating that one of the main editors wanted to give me a call to speak about it… They never called back. I called back a day later and asked to speak to Jennifer Smay. She was cold and distant, and said, well. for now, we are not going to cover this story, then when I asked why, she said…. “Sorry, but we do not investigate sexual assault stories that do not reach the tribunal. I need to go, we go live with the news in three minutes” and she put the phone down on me. Channel 4 News team is known in the UK for its fierce investigative approach to journalism.

#channel4 #channel4news #metoomovement #sexualassult #ibelieveyou #investigativejournalism #RCSC #dismissing #sexualassult #mediandsexualassulàt #voiceless #femaledisempowerment #reporting #mediandsexualassault #metoomovement #MeToo, #TimesUp, #NotOK, #EverydaySexism, #aufschrei, #Fasttailedgirls, #thisisrapeculture, #ChurchToo, #WhyIStayed, #YouOkSis, #YesAllWomen, #YesAllWhiteWomen #FrancescaLombardo

